West Oxford Elementary School is committed to the belief that all children can learn and acknowledges that parents share the school’s commitment to the educational success of theirchildren.
We recognize that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and family and agree that to effectively educate all students, the schools and parents must work as partners.
We define parent and family involvement as an ongoing process that assists parents and families to meet their basic obligation as their child’s first educator, promotes clear two-way dialogue between home and school, and supports parents as leaders and decision makers at all
levels concerning the education of their children.
Families and school staff will jointly develop the Title I Parent Involvement Program. Appropriate offerings and practices are offered to enhance parent involvement activities and reflect the needs of the students and families. Our school’s parent program will provide a guideline for
designing continuing rewarding and beneficial experiences for students, families and staff.
Components of the West Oxford Elementary Family Engagement Policy include the following:
- Invite parents to Title I Curriculum Night to learn more about our programing.
- Parent Compact to be discussed and signed by both family and teacher.
- Parent Meeting in the first quarter of the school year to inform and discuss.
- Parent Communication is shared through newsletters, letters, phone calls, emails, and Class Dojo to share information from the school.
- Literacy Night to encourage growth in literacy.
- Title I discussion at PTO meetings to involve parents in the decision making process.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences to inform parents of specific details about each student’s progress.
- School Improvement Plan provided for parents and families to review and offer feedback as needed.
- Surveys administered quarterly for planning purposes throughout the school year.
- Teachers will provide monthly newsletters to share information on what standards are being taught and to share tips on how to help students at home along with any other important information.
- Involve families, in an ongoing and timely way in planning, review, and improvement of the programs under Title I, Part A, including planning, review and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the School
- Improvement Plan under Section 1114(b) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).